Thursday, December 5, 2013

Shocking truth about ‘no animals were harmed’ certificates in movies

LIFE OF PI. The tiger star, in blockbuster movie, Life of Pi almost drowned to death during the filming. Photo Credits: Rope Of Silicon
Animal violence, an often neglected topic. Overlooked by many. Is it because animals are voiceless creates? Does that give us a right to treat them any less of a being or pretend ignorance to their abuse?

When ‘animal abuse’ topic rises, most, if not all of us tend to think of domestic or pet violence. If not, animals abused or harmed when they are skinned alive for their fur in the fashion industry or the medical tests they are put through.

But how many of us even realize the number of animals that are harmed or killed in the making of a film. Some of the biggest name productions in Hollywood have seen animals die on-set or suffer near-death experiences. Is light ever shed on these cases? Hardly.

We live in an era where a YouTube video of a pet getting abused goes viral within seconds and the animal rights group (PETA) are able to take necessary actions as soon as possible. Then how is it that million dollar blockbuster movies causing animal death or abuse is gone under the radar. Is it somehow okay for animals to go through these sufferings when they are in the films with renowned actor or actresses?

A recent news article questions the integrity of ‘no animals were harmed’ certificates in the movies. More than two dozen animals died during a hiatus when filming for The Hobbit and this film received American Humane Association approval. Let’s all just take a moment to digest this. THIS film got the humane association. How is this even possible? When did animal harm become the norm in movies? No actions were taken and ‘no animal harm’ certificates are given. Ignorance is this area of animal abuse, is revolting on our part.

It is said that there is seen proof that animal safety watchdog has a relaxed relationship with the film industry, which is the reason why film industry gets away easy with this animal deaths and abuse. Here is an exemplary list of blockbusters, backing the above statement, which has received American Humane Association approval with the number of animals harmed during the making:

  • The tiger star, in life of Pi almost drowned to death during the filming and this was covered up

  • Dozens of marine animals washed ashore during the filming of Pirates of Caribbean and no issues rose.

The Hollywood reporter, reports “The American Humane Association (AHA) is charged with protecting animals during movie shoots, but a staggering new report out claims it puts more effort into covering up animal harm than preventing it.

Ignorance is definitely not bliss in these scenarios. Animal abuse has been taken more seriously in recent years. However, certain areas like the film industry are left off the hook and continue practicing animal cruelty. We, as public, as a person, as someone who has humanity, need to make a stand and investigate the extent this is true and what can be done to minimize or stop animals deaths during filming. Investigation can be done about animal abuse in the filming field when the public take animal cruelty more seriously, especially in the filming scene. General things we all can do to prevent animal abuse includes:

  •  Questioning the presence of pets and their welfare to shelter

  • Help victims who can no longer care for their pets by making referrals to animal adaptation agencies.

  • Help clients prove ownership to their animals.

  • Include animal abuse in abuse prevention orders.

  • For help to deal with animal cruelty, contact your local humane society, SPCA, animal control agencies or veterinarians to see if they have temporary foster care facilities to pets.

Hopefully, this article has shed some light on grey areas which practices animal cruelty and inspired you as an individual to make a difference.

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